Saturday 30 April 2011

Chapter 3

The bell rang and Kendyl leaped happily out of her chair, hopefully this was the last class with Damien. She didn't even want to be his partner, and after the glare from Riley she the statement was definatly true. Jayde stood up and grabbed her binder. "Let's go to lunch." She said and Kendyl nodded.
"I want to go to my locker first," She lifted the socials textbook that would eventually become a nuissance holding it.
Jayde agreed and they walked to their locker, turning the dial three times they stuffed everything in their locker besides their purse. "Where do you want to eat?" Kendyl asked.
Jayde thought for a moment, "Let's go to the cafeteria today."
"Okay." Kendyl said and lifted her purse and looked inside, she pulled out her wallet and checked how much money she had. Fifty dollars, that'd would definatly be enough for the food in the cafeteria.
Jayde pulled her arm and she dropped her wallet in her purse and began to walk with her to the cafeteria. When she walked in she spotted Damien sitting with Riley and another girl, a gorgeous girl with long, flowing blonde hair and green eyes. Envy hit Kendyl like a brick. She turned around to leave but Jayde rolled her eyes and pulled her back into the cafeteria. "C'mon Ken, ignore them." She whispered and sat at their regular table.
Unfortunatly it was located infront of the table Damien and the two girls. Great, now he has another girl mooning over him... Kendyl sighed and took out her money, Jayde quickly snatched it and headed to the cafeteria line. "What do you want, Ken?" She called over her shoulder.
Kendyl shrugged, "Surprise me." As she fiddled with her hair.
Once she looked up she saw the blonde girl and Riley leave. She than was surprised to see Damien as he moved to Jayde's empty seat and swung it around to face her. His forest green eyes glinting and his smile was a smug grin.
"H-hi," Kendyl stuttered, she cursed herself and felt her cheeks growing hot once again.
"Hey," Damien smiled, his voice calm and cool. Kendyl knew it was wrong to fall for a guy that she just met and knew nothing about but she couldn't help herself. His crooked smiled made her heart skip a beat and his glowing eyes seemed to see right to her soul.
She smiled and looked down, her cheeks still red.
"You're bruise is going away." Damien remarked, again she totally forgot the swift morning and her face hitting the car window, she rubbed it, "I guess it is." She looked down and fumbled with her purse. She looked up to see Jayde grinning and giving her a thumbs up. Damien looked her way and Jayde swiftly turned away, giggling quietly to herself while Kendyl blushed harder.
"What're you doing here?" She asked quietly.
"What? I can't talk to my project partner?" He chuckled lightly.
"Oh yeah, I guess we are partners, but I thought you'd be paired up with that girl." She almost said bitterly.
"The blonde? That's my sister, Sophia." He looked at the where his sister had left.
"No, not her." Kendyl almost breathed out with relief, she'd never be able to compete with her. "I mean your girlfriend."
"Riley? She's not my girlfriend. And thank God we aren't partners, she's clingy." Damien laughed.
Kendyl looked up and smiled. "Oh." Than she realized something, the project was due next Monday and she didn't know how she'd get it finished on time. "What're we going to do about the project?" She asked.
Damien thought for a moment and than asked, "Do you have a pen and a piece of paper?"
Kendyl nodded and pulled out her pen and paper from her purse. She handed it to him and he scribbled on it, he than handed her it back, "That's my address, come to my house tonight and we can start on it." He smiled once more and left. She watched him until he was outside of the cafeteria.
"What did her give you?" Jayde sat down with a trey of random food. A small bag of pretzels, two Milk2Go's, yogurt, and fruit.
"His address. So we could start on the project tonight." Kendyl passed it to her and smiled.
"Cute!" Jayde giggled and gave it back to Kendyl who placed it in her pocket. "Do you need a ride there? I can drive you."
Kendyl nodded. "Please."

Once the two girls finished eating they headed to their gym class. It was weird, not always did friends get in the same classes but Jayde and Kendyl did.
Gym went by quick, they played a game of soccer and Kendyl was in net while Jayde was forward. Their team one seven to three. Kendyl quickly changed and waited for Jayde before they went to thier English class.
By the end of the day all Kendyl could think about was tonight. At the last five minutes of class time seemed to freeze, it seemed like forever until the last bell rang. Jayde raced out with Kendyl and headed to her car. Kendyl hoped in the passenger side and they drove to Kendyl's house. "What time are you going to his house?" Jayde asked.
Kendyl shrugged, "Maybe around five thirty-ish. I'm not sure."

When they arrived at Kendyl's house Jayde waved and drove to her house, leaving Kendyl to fiddle with her keys and unlock her door. She threw her purse on her couch and placed her binder on the living room coffee table. She went into her kitchen and pulled out an apple. She always had a snack after school. Kendyl looked at the clock, 3:30pm. She had two hours before she'd call Jayde for a ride to Damien's house. She could feel butterflies flutter nervously in her stomache as she changed into her white skinny jeans and her silver sequin top. She found her black flats and put them on. Kendyl didn't realize how much time she took getting ready. Five minutes she'd have to arrive at Damien's house. She ran to her phone and called Jayde. She listened quietly as the phone rang three times before Jayde's voice could be heard. Hello?
"Hey, Jayde, it's me. My 'rents aren't home yet, I'll send my mom a text and tell her I went out. Can you drive me now?"
Sure! Jayde said and there was a click as Jayde hung up.
Kendyl pulled out her phone and texted her mom. "I will be out for awhile, going to work on a socials project. I'll be home soon." and with an, okay from her mom Kendyl picked up her purse and binder. She waited outside for Jayde.

When Jayde arrived she climbed in and set the GPS for 3725 Haltrod Dr. They soon arrived at a wood-lined house with quite a few windows. She could see the white interior through the window. She never thought that Damien could be rich. Kendyl jumped out and waved good-bye to Jayde as her best friend reluctantly drove off.
She wrong the doorbell and waited a few heartbeats before Damien's sister opened the door. She was picture perfect upclose. She smiled warmly, "Hello. You're Kendyl right? Damien's talked about you a lot today." She giggled. "I'm his sister Sophia."
"Hi," Kendyl smiled.
"Come in," Sophia gestured for Kendyl to walk in. Kendyl took off her shoes and looked around. The house was certainly beautiful.
"We don't live with our parents." Sophia said as Damien walked down the stairs. His eyes lit up when he saw Kendyl, "Hey," He grinned as he walked down the stairs.
"Were going to work on our socials project." Damien said and waved his hand for Kendyl to follow him. He climbed the stairs and waited for Kendyl as she waved to Sophia and walked up the stairs. He than turned and walked into his room. It was beautiful. Part of the roof was lined with windows and she could see three guitars leaning on the wall. He kindly took her binder from her and placed it on the table and sat on the couch. She sat beside him and he turned the tv on to the news. She opened her binder. "What were you thinking of for the project?" She asked as she flipped through her social studies section.
Damien thought for a moment. "Maybe a poster about one of the Kings? Could be about James I." He suggested.
"That's what I thought too." Kendyl looked up to watch the news. She hadn't watched it in awhile. Her mother usually had it on in the morning but her mother had been leaving early so it was never on when she woke up.
She listened quietly to the report and asked if Damien could turn it up. He searched for the remote and turned the volume to 27.
There's been four murders in the last two weeks. Reports say that their is a serial killer loose. Don't trust any strangers and don't talk to anyone you don't know. The tv reporter said. Damien's eyes widened but he didn't say anything as the reporter went on.
Reports have also say that it could be an animal and it must be hunted and killed. "Oh no." Kendyl said as she listened.
If you have information on the killings call 1-800-CRIME.
Damien quickly turned it off and changed the subject, "Er, I think you have to go." He didn't look at her. "I forgot I had plans with Sophia and Kelton. I'll call you later." He said as he handed her her binder and ushered her out. Kendyl was surprised when told her to hurry up and directed her towards the door. Sophia looked up from where she had been watching a movie in the living room and looked at Damien, confusion filling her green gaze. He shut the door on Kendyl and as she glanced in the window she could see the two siblings talking, Damien arguing with her. Kendyl's stomache dropped and she felt like crying when she phoned Jayde for a ride home.