Monday 28 May 2012

Chapter 2

The bell rang and Kendyl felt a sudden rush of relief as she grabbed her purse and her binder and rushed out of the classroom. She was glad to be away from the intense green gaze. She waited until Jayde came outside. As soon as she spotted the girl, she quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her aside.
“You're so lucky!” Jayde grinned.
“Describe lucky,” Kendyl replied bitterly. “I don't find any luck in-” she laughed as Damien walked by, a smug smile plastered on his face. She clenched her fists and scowled.
“Earth to Kendyl!” Jayde snapped and Kendyl turned to her friend.
“I don't know what it is with you and him. I don't know what he did to you,” Jayde said.
“He bugs me. That's all,” Kendyl stated. She looked down the hallway and spotted Damien at his locked, taking out his history textbook.
Great, another class with the arrogant asshole.
She realized she was being unfair. He didn't actually do anything to be considered as an ass, but there was something about him that told her that he was.

She suddenly felt someone bump into her roughly, sending her binder crashing to the floor, her papers spilling out. She bent down to pick up her papers and stuffed them in her binder without a care. Kendyl looked up to see the culprit who had knocked her binder on the floor.
A stunningly gorgeous brunette walked over to Damien and grabbed his arm. She reached up and kissed him on the cheek, giggly like an idiot. Kendyl felt herself grit her teeth.
“She's pretty,” Jayde noted.
Realizing that she had been staring, she looked over at her best friend and blushed with annoyance. She absolutely hated getting caught.
Taking her frustration the as a sign of discourage, Jayde grabbed her arm and tugged her in the direction of their locker. “Come on, let's get to history class.”
Kendyl nodded and went to their locker. She spun the dial of the lock three times and unlocked it with success. Pulling out two textbooks, she handed on to Jayde and placed her own on her, now messy, binder.

How can one person be so irritating? She thought bitterly as she entered her classroom and sat down next to Jayde as the teacher entered. He placed his books on his desk. “Alright, class-” He was interrupted as Damien and the girl entered the classroom. They both handed Mr. Kron a note and were sent to the back of the room to sit.
Kendyl cursed silently. Just great.

The rest of class was a blur until the last ten minutes. They were learning about the history of Canada and Mr. Kron was explaining a project that would be due in a week.
“There will be partners,” Mr Kron stated as Jayde and Kendyl looked at each other hopefully. There was a chuckle from the history teacher as he continued. “Now before you get too excited I will be the one assigning partners.”
Names were called, but Kendyl didn't pay any attention to them, only listening for Jayde and her own name.
“Riley and Jayde.”
Jayde turned to looked at Kendyl with a frown. She didn't even know there was a Riley in her history class.
“Riley, wave to Jayde,” Mr. Kron said with a smile.
In the front, no one turned to wave so both Jayde and Kendyl turned around.
Kendyl frowned when she saw the gorgeous girl beside Damien wave. Both of the girls turned back around and glanced at each other. Jayde had a horrified look on her face and Kendyl couldn't help but laugh. She stopped shortly when Mr. Kron called out her name.
“Kendyl and Damien.” 
What?” Kendyl choked out; her eyes wide. She turned around and was given a smug grin from Damien and an ice-cold glare from Riley.
She turned back around and shot a glare at her friend as Jayde snorted. Jayde then pressed her lips together until they were white; trying her best not to laugh.
Oh, this will be so much fun, she thought sarcastically.

The bell rang, signaling lunch, and Kendyl leaped happily out of her chair, hoping that this was the last class with Damien. She didn't even want to be his partner and the glare from Riley couldn't have made the statement more true.
Jayde stood up and grabbed her things. “Let's go to lunch,” she said as Kendyl nodded.
“I want to go to my locker first.” She lifted the history textbook, that would eventually become a nuisance holding it, for emphasis.
Jayde agreed and the two walked to their locker. Jayde quickly unlocked it and shoved everything inside apart from her purse. Kendyl copied her actions. “Where do you want to go to eat?”
Jayde thought for a moment. Taping her forefinger to her chin in mock thought. “Let's go to the cafeteria today.”
Kendyl shrugged, “Why not?” She unzipped her purse and pulled out her wallet to check how much money she had; twenty dollars. That would certainly be enough for the food in the cafeteria.
Jayde tugged on her arm and she dropped her wallet back in to her purse. The two headed for the cafeteria.
When they reached the cafeteria. Dismay hit Kendyl like a brick as she spotted Damien sitting with Riley and another girl; a beautiful with with long, flowing blond hair and green eyes.
She turned to leave, but Jayde rolled her eyes and pulled her back into the cafeteria. “C'mon Ken, ignore them.”
Kendyl let out a reluctant sigh as she let Jayde pull her to their regular table. Unfortunately, it was located in front of Damien and the two girls.
She pulled out her money from her wallet only to have it quickly snatched by Jayde. The copper haired girl looked over her shoulder. “What do you want, Ken?”
“Surprise me,” she shrugged. 

Kendyl looked around the cafeteria, bored, and was surprise to see the blonde girl and Riley leave. She then looked over to Damien. He looked up from his untouched food and raised an eyebrow as he caught her eye.
She scowled as she looked away.
Did I do something to piss you off?”
Kendyl jumped as he moved to Jayde's empty seat. He swung it around to face her, and sat down.
She pressed her lips together, forcing herself not to make a rude remark.
Taking her silence as a yes, he frowned. “What did I do?” He seemed genuinely hurt that she didn't like him.
“It's not what you did. It's how you are. You're a pompous ass.”
She was startled to hear him burst out into a fit of laughter. She had expected him to be offended.
“I assume you get that a lot?” She asked.
No, I don't usually get that reaction from anyone. I've heard attractive once or twice, but never an ass.”
“Hm, that doesn't seem true. I would guess you would hear conceited.
He shot her an amused crooked smile. His eyes trailed down from her eyes until they met with her cheek. “Your bruise is going away.”
She had forgotten all about the quick morning and her cheek hitting the car window. Bringing a hand to her cheek, she brushed it lightly. “I guess it is.”
“Does it hurt?” His question was lace with genuine curiosity.
“Of course it does,” she retorted. “Bruises often hurt.”
Something flashed behind his emerald eyes, but it quickly disappeared before she could catch what it was.
She opened her mouth to say something, but was stopped when he spoke. “So, partner, what do you want to do for the project?”
“I don't know, but I think I'll come up with something,” she said.
As if he realized something he reached out to her with an open hand. “Do you have a pen and a piece of paper?”
Kendyl nodded and pulled out a pen and paper from her purse. Curiosity getting the better of her, she handed it to him. Damien quickly scribbled something down, and handed it back to her.
She looked down at the neat handwriting.

3725 Haltrod Dr.

That's my address,” he said. “Come to my house tonight and we can start on it.”
He smiled once more before getting up and leaving. She watched him go, interest making her skin tingle.
However much she found the strange boy fascinating, something about him made something in her scream for her to be careful.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Chapter 1

"Come on, Ken! We're going to be late!"
Kendyl woke up to the sound of Jayde's voice. She rubbed her eyes sleepily, yawned, and looked at the clock. The black digital alarm clock read 7:00.
"Why did't I wake up earlier?!" Kendyl flipped the covers off of herself, swung her feet over the bed and turned her gaze out to the window. Rain. It seemed to always rain in British Columbia, especially in the late winter.
She stood up and raced for her drawer. She pulled out a clean outfit and ran past Jayde into the bathroom.
Jayde sat on the bed and placed her purse on her lap, checking it's contents with a look of utter boredom.
"Hurry up, Kendyl!" She called irritably.  "If Mrs. Coss catches us late one more time, we will most likely get a detention."
Kendyl poked her head out of the door. "I know!" She retored and closed the door. The sound of the tap could be heard from the other side of the door.
Kendyl pinned her hair back and began washing her face with cold water to wake herself up. She dried her face off and looked at her reflection. She unpinned her hair and watched it cascade down her back.
Most times, she let it stay natural; loose curls that fell neatly past her shoulders.
Her hair was a dark red-almost-brown color like her mothers.
She blinked her eyes and was startled at how blue they seemed. Usually, they were a dull blue, not at all like her mother's dazzling blue eyes.
Realizing the time, she rushed out of the bathroom and began searching frantically around her bedroom.
"Jayde, have you seen my purse?"
Without looking up, Jayde threw Kendyl her dull silver purse her dad had given her as an early birthday present.
"Thanks!" Kendyl said, "I'm ready. Let's go."

The two girls raced out of the door and climbed into Jayde's forest green jeep. Kendyl remembered going to the used-car lot with Jayde to pick out a car for the other girl's sixteenth birthday. Jayde had been overly excited and had feel instantly in love with the beat-up jeep.
Kendyl had teased her, saying that it would be silly to buy a jeep, it was never sunny here, but Jayde had replied with a defensive statement that she didn't care. It would be her car and that was all that mattered.
Kendyl looked over at her friend, wondering how she didn't have a boyfriend. Jayde was certainly gorgeous. Her light brown hair hung just past her shoulders and her bangs fell just above her stunning grey eyes. Her skin was a peachy tan, unlike Kendyl's own pale skin. Jayde's personality was also much more confident than her own.
"We're here." Jayde's amused tone snapped Kendyl out of her thoughts.
"Damn it," Kendyl cursed to herself. Jayde had caught her staring at her. She always seemed to zone off and she always seemed to get caught by Jayde, especially when she drifted off while watching someone.

Trying to distract herself, Kendyl looked out of the front window. It had begun raining harder.
Quickly, Jayde turned the steering wheel and pulled into the school's parking lot, making Kendyl's cheek slam against the window.
"Ow!" Kendyl yelped. "Warn me next time!"
Jayde grimaced. "Sorry! We are in a hurry!" She got out and looked around the parking lot, nothing but cars. "That's not a good sign."
"You think?" Kendyl hissed as she held her reddening cheek. "Let's go. The second bell might have no rung yet. We still might be able to make it."
Kendyl and Jayde rushed into the school and into their first class just as the second bell rang.
Jayde let out a sigh of relief. "We made it!" She whispered as she took her seat in the front of the class while Kendyl took her seat at the back of the class.
"Okay, pull out Friday's assignment," Mrs. Coss said in her sing-song voice as she stood in front of the class.
Jayde glanced back at Kendyl and rolled her eyes. Kendyl let out a quiet laugh and pulled out her homework just as a tall boy walked into the classroom. He was quiet tall, a lot taller then Kendyl's 5'3. A mop of sandy blond hair hung in front of his eyes and he flicked his head, flipping it out of his deep green eyes. One had was shoved in his jeans pocket and the other was handing a note to Mrs. Coss. The plump math teacher quickly read it and pointed to the seat next to Kendyl's.
There was a smug air around the boy that Kendyl found rather irritating, although she had to admit, he was handsome.
It was also hard not to notice all of the girls staring at him with lovestruck looks. Kendyl let out a snort. Girls and their teenage hormones.
Jayde once again glanced back at Kendyl and mouthed, He's mine.
Kendyl found herself laughing once more at her best friend's goofy actions, but she felt a sudden pang of annoyance. Even her best friend was mooning over the boy. What was so great about him?
The boy walked past Jayde who sighed deeply and headed toward the empty seat beside her. It had been Walter Pikes, but he had went missing a few months ago.
She watched as she boy sat down and looked over at Kendyl, raising an eye brown. She suddenly wondered if he could tell she was annoyed by him.
Kendyl's cheeks felt hot under his gaze and she cursed silently, hating that she was pale enough for the red to really show on her cheeks. As her cheeks tingled with embarrassment, she felt her cheek sting and remembered that she had injured it not even fifteen minutes ago.
Her hand flew to her cheek, she figured there was a bruise by now.
The boy reached toward her, and, as if rethinking his actions, quickly placed his hands at his sides.
"What happened?" He asked. His tone was gentle; almost curious, but she could tell that is was also guarded. There was something about the blond boy that intrigued her, yet she still felt irritated.
"Just an accident," Kendyl replied evenly. She was about to listen to Mrs. Coss' lecture about math when her name was called.
"Kendyl, when you are done flirting with Mr. Kensington I suggest you pay attention."
There was a snort from the class and Kendyl slumped lower in her seat as the boy grinned smugly. She figured this happened a lot to him.
As soon as Mrs. Coss turned her back to write on the board, the boy looked over at her. Feeling his gaze on her, Kendyl had to fight the urge to make a rude remark.
Instead, she turned her attention to him, hoping her teacher wouldn't catch her again.
"My names Damien by the way,” he said as he held out a hand.
She nodded, but didn't shake his hand. There was no way she'd tell him anything about her. There was something off about him, and she didn't like it.


Kendyl Harker was like any other teenager. A best friend, a caring mother, and a pretty normal life. The was until a new group of teenagers move into town and threaten Kendyl's well-being. What's worse is that Jayde, Kendyl's best friend, has gone missing and she isn't the first. A rash of homicide's has the whole town on edge. Could Jayde have fallen prey to the serial killer, and will Kendyl be next?